Tag Archives: Creation

Content Creation Marketing for Small Business

Content Creation for Small Business MarketingContent Creation Marketing for Small Business

I was reading a post by Ron Tester, small business marketing expert at Do This Not That Marketing, and in it he shares eight trends of content consumption that are noteworthy. I would like to elaborate on his fifth trend, the need for content to be multimedia in nature:

“Content Needs to Be Multimedia — Video, infographics, images, audio, eBooks, articles, blog posts and more should all be used together to create a storm of new content that works together to promote the products and/or services that you want to promote. Content can still be repurposed into new forms, but you need to put a unique spin on it. This is such an important trend, even I am creating videos. Believe me, I wouldn’t be doing it if people weren’t wanting it.”

Read this over a couple of times to make sure you understand the power of Ron’s words here.

I couldn’t agree more and would like to include one of my “lifestyle videos” from my YouTube channel to show how I use video to get my message out to the world.

I also repurpose my posts into articles, audio trainings, podcasts, and short reports on a regular basis. I learned while working as a classroom teacher that people have different learning styles, and I have kept that in the back of my mind over this past decade that I’ve been an online marketer and entrepreneur. Think about how you can use audio, video, and other types of written content to share and promote your products and services.

Content creation marketing for small business is a worthy endeavor and must be implemented regularly for best results. Learn more about the small business marketing course taught by Ron Tester and myself and join us in the member’s area.

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Content Creation Marketing to Build Your Business

Content Creation MarketingWhen I came online in 2006 I had no idea that I would need to become a content creation marketing machine in order to be successful as an online entrepreneur. I was not a writer, and the very thought of writing a two hundred fifty word article to submit to the article directories terrified me. As a former classroom teacher I thought that I would be judged by what I published on the Internet. But I was determined to succeed and began writing an article every single day to get into the habit of writing. I even challenged myself to write one hundred articles in one hundred days…and accomplished my goal within seventy-eight days!

Recently I was reading a post by Pam and Dexter Montgomery. Their post, Create Content That Clients Value! made some excellent points.

“Content Should Be Easy To Understand

Whether your content is a blog post, information product, or podcast it should be easy to understand. If your product is in writing, it should also be easy to read.  A few key ways of making your writing easy to read and understand are to:

  • Use one main theme per content piece
  • Use subheadings to break up your points
  • Use simple formatting like bullet points, numbers, and short paragraph

Content Should Be Conversational

When you are creating your content, remember to use your personal and unique voice. Write content as if you were talking to a trusted client with whom you have developed a deep relationship. Write and talk like you are having a conversation with a peer or a really good friend. To accomplish this goal, that means you will not be using industry jargon.  You will also clearly explain any new concepts that you introduce.”

I especially like what they say about remembering to use your personal and unique voice. People have told me that when they read my daily email messages they sound like me. I take this as a great compliment in that I always want people to find me approachable, even if that is virtually. Content creation marketing is your opportunity to allow your community to hear your voice and receive your message through your content.

Be sure to check out my training course on Really Simple Content Marketing if you would like to pursue content creation to build your business.

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Info Product Creation in 6 Easy Pieces

This is a guest post from my good friend and colleague Dennis Becker on the topic of Info Product Creation – tips that can change your life.

info product creation tipsDo you know just how easy it is to create products that target and solve just one problem – a problem people are willing to pay like crazy to solve?

You can build a fantastic business with those “mini” info products alone… and many people have. If creating 1-day products is your ideal business model, don’t stop

But, maybe you’re ready to take things to the next level.

The real, big money is in higher-end products. The big money is in having a well-oiled product funnel. Consider the products that your favorite, most successful marketing
idols have for sale.

They probably have some free products, low-end products, high-end products, and maybe even coaching and consulting… something for every learning and spending level.

They do that because it works.

I have an incredible number of products out. Some follow the 1-problem model and others are much more comprehensive and higher end. I have created these products for a reason–it’s because it serves my audience well and results in a fantastic income.

I urge you to continue building your information product empire.
Develop some more comprehensive, high end products along with your easier, less expensive products. Once a customer buys one of your 1-problem products, they’ll be
more likely to know, like, and trust you, and then be willing to invest in something more substantial… if you have something like that…

…which you definitely should have, otherwise YOUR customer has just realized that they want and need more specific information, and they might pay for that information somewhere else if you aren’t ready to help them.

Develop a funnel that will grab more traffic, net more sales, and have your customers buying product after product from you.

There’s definitely a secret to making it all work.

The cool thing is that it’s actually easier than you expect to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. It’s the secret of becoming successful with your own info product funnel. It’s the secret of combining low end and high end products to build a huge list and make a full time income online.

The trick is to take a bird’s eye view of your business so you know
exactly what you’re looking at.

What does your eventual, successful business look like from a distance? You have to know what your goal is to get where you’re going. But then, you have to break it down. If you don’t, you’ll get overwhelmed. It’s time to break product creation, driving traffic,
building a list, and making sales into super-simple steps that will add up to something big.

It’s actually easy to build a complete info product business.

I’ve been developing info products for a number of years now, and have helped many others find their success. It wasn’t always easy, but I’ve broken the process down into 6 easy pieces and put it in a Training Guide (that link gives you a special price because you’ve responded to this guest post – normally the price is $20 higher.)

This is a complete, start to finish business model that can absolutely help you find success with product creation.

Imagine living the life you want to live… this is how it happens.

Picture yourself earning money day and night. Imagine what it will feel like to change your life and the lives of others. How much could you earn if you had a great list, great contacts, a great product funnel, and great success?

There is one thing marketers forget about when they set out to create their info product empire…

What they tend to neglect is the motivation and mindset.

That, in my experience and opinion, is absolutely key. If you aren’t motivated to follow through, you won’t. If you don’t believe in yourself and have strong goals, you’ll never achieve them. That’s exactly why I’ve made that the first module in my 6 Easy Pieces Of Product Creation course.

People tend to be too scattered and unfocused. This Easy Piece all but ensures you carry through with everything it takes to become successful with your own products. If I had to start all over again from nothing, I’d follow these 6 Easy Pieces to very quickly find success again.

Download Your Six Easy Pieces Training Here

What are the 6 Easy Pieces?

1. Motivation
2. Simple 1-day products
3. Powerful, surprising high-end products
4. Incredible sales techniques
5. Unstoppable traffic
6. Advanced methods for newfound success

I’m going to show you how to get motivated, set goals (and reach them), create simple products in just 1 day, create high end, high earning products, easily make sales, drive traffic, and build your list. I also include some “secret sauce” techniques that you’ve never seen anywhere else.

 Grab 6 Easy Pieces of Product Creation Here. Dedicate yourself to this, and you can succeed.

Dennis Becker

Please disregard the strikethrough text on each of the links here. It’s a tech issue I’m working to resolve. The links work and lead you to the discounted page for this training from Dennis.
Connie Ragen Green

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