Tag Archives: Irresistible

Create an Irresistible Giveaway

Create an Irresistible GiveawayIf you create an irresistible giveaway, will people visiting your blog, squeeze page, shy-yes page (this is a term I don’t hear much any more), or other website be more likely to join your list by opting in? In a word – yes. However, asking readers to allow you into their inbox requires an incentive worthy of their trust. Gone are the days when you could simply say, “Get our weekly newsletter,” and have a flood of subscribers. Today’s subscribers are much more discerning, and with overflowing inboxes (more on that later on) a problem for all, it’s more important than ever to create an offer that readers simply cannot refuse.

But don’t think you have to go all out and write a three hundred page eBook or provide a 6-module training course as your opt-in incentive. Quite the contrary, as today’s subscribers are in a hurry, and are often much more likely to need (and use) a simple checklist, worksheet, or resource guide. While that three hundred page eBook might sit unread and unused on her hard drive, a checklist your subscriber can turn to again and again will often be seen as much more valuable and will allow you to connect more quickly with them.

You probably already know exactly what your ideal client wants and needs—even if you don’t recognize it quite yet. Think about:

  • The most commonly asked questions in your help desk. If you’re continually fielding questions about the tools you use to run your business or which of your training programs are best for a beginner, then it’s easy to see that a resource guide would be well received.
  • Frequent thread topics in your Facebook groups or niche forums. Chances are you’ll see the same questions pop up again and again. For example, if your clients are virtual assistants, you know that just about every day someone asks, “Where can I find my first client?” A one-page, “How to land your first client” guide is the perfect incentive for this market.
  • Client surveys you’ve conducted. If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve most likely used this tool to find out more about your potential customers. Take the opportunity to read through the responses and see:
    • What is the most pressing problem your market faces?
    • What language do they use to describe the issues they face?
    • Which resources would make it easy for them to move to the next level in business or in life?
  • Competitor’s offers. Take a look at what other coaches offer, but rather than aiming to duplicate their efforts, ask yourself where the gaps are in information, and how you can fill those holes.

You don’t have to create something from scratch either. You can design a new opt-in incentive quickly by repurposing other content. For example:

  • Repackage a free webinar & worksheet
  • Compile a series of blog posts into a PDF
  • Brand and package the checklists and worksheets you use in your own business
  • Offer a free chapter of your latest book

[Be sure to download my latest Focus Guide on Repurposing Your Content]

Exercise: Create Your Opt-In Incentive

Using the ideas here, decide what offer is likely to be most compelling (and useful) to your ideal client.

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