Tag Archives: Just

Social Media Distraction? Just Turn It Off!

Social Media DistractionAre You a Victim of Social Media Distraction?

During the past couple of weeks two of my clients and one personal friend have complained to me that they are unable to complete their daily tasks because of all of the distractions in their life. When I asked them to describe these distractions so that I could help them move past them it turned out in all three cases they were referring to social media in general and Facebook more specifically. This phenomenon is known the world over as “social media distraction”.

“And how does Facebook keep you from getting your work done?” I asked innocently.

Each of these people went on to tell me that they hear a sound whenever something happens there, such as a new update, someone “Liking” their update or an update they have commented on, and so forth. It’s social media distraction at its worst. At first I was speechless but once I found my voice I had the solution.

“Just turn it off”.

And no, I am not talking about the sound on your computer. What I am vehemently recommending is that you log out of Facebook and any other offending sites and close the window while you are working. You do not have to give in to social media distraction – it’s a choice. And if you are an employee, shame on you for doing this while on the clock and being paid by someone to achieve certain tasks and goals.

I think of social media as having two purposes in our lives. As an online marketer, the first purpose is for me to share content related to my business and to connect with my prospects and clients. I lump this all together and call it marketing. You may be connected to family and friends on social media so growing your business with online marketing is not truly a possibility for you. It’s a choice.

The second purpose of social media is purely social and even voyeuristic in nature. Late in the evenings I love to watch a cat video, “Like” someone’s post, add a comment to an interesting thread, upload a photo, or even to share what someone else has posted with others who may not have seen it. The first purpose helps me to earn my living; the second is simply for entertainment value.

Since starting my online business eleven years ago, when social media was in its infancy I have never permitted myself to spend more than fifteen minutes during any twenty-four hour period on any social media sites combined. Some days I don’t even put in my fifteen minutes. Again, this is a choice.

Why do I continue to make this choice? Because years from now I want to be known for the books I have written, the businesses I have grown, the people and businesses I have helped, and the life I have lived offline. You remember offline? It’s that real world where you hear, feel, touch, and look other human beings in the eye.

The alternative choice is not appealing to me at all. I do not care to be remembered for the virtual interactions I had with people I do not even know and have never had the pleasure to meet. And even the thought that I would not have written books, traveled the world, spent time every day with other human beings, and built an amazing business from the ground up because I was distracted by something, anything on a computer screen? No thank you.

Believe it or not, I love social media and cannot imagine our world without sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. And the historical, economical, and political implications have changed our world forever, mostly in positive ways. But being constantly alerted to updates and distracted to the point of not completing tasks and activities in my daily life – never!

I’m Connie Ragen Green and I work with new online entrepreneurs to help them get into profit as quickly as possible with information products, affiliate marketing, marketing for small businesses, blogging, authorship, and more. Download your Online Entrepreneur Blueprint and get started right away.

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