Tag Archives: Mastering

Secrets to Mastering Online Business

Mastering online business is not as difficult as it may seem to you when you are just starting out. IMastering Online Business can remember spending time in a small group setting with motivational speaker and trainer Brian Tracy when I was in my first year of entrepreneurship. He told us that everything in business is a learnable skill. That concept surprised me and gave me a feeling of peace and confidence that helped propel me toward success very quickly. By understanding that I did not have to have a business degree or MBA, or even years of business experience in order to build the business I was interested in growing, I knew that if I would simply be willing to spend the time and make the effort I could be successful.

Recently I was reading an email message from Kindling founder Geoff Shaw and it brought me back to that time in my life where I was concerned about having enough talent and education to make mastering online business a reality. In it he says:

“There is nothing in this business of publishing that can’t be mastered by anyone.

All of the skills needed to be successful are easy to learn.

Some might take a little longer to master than others, but EVERYTHING is doable, so when someone tells me they can’t do something, I know it’s just because they haven’t done it, or haven’t done it for long enough.”

The key here is to be willing to take the time to hone your skills and practice what you are learning.

Geoff adds:

“Feed yourself with knowledge, do stuff, and learn from what happens – that will be your best recipe for anything in life.

Just because you can’t do something now, doesn’t mean you can’t do that thing later.

As knowledge grows so does confidence to do more.

Success drives more success.”

This is such excellent advice for anyone who is working to achieve goals in a business. It’s a boost of confidence that will get you through the hard times and propel you to success more quickly than if you took the slow road filled with doubt and apprehension.

And Geoff’s final words will ring true if you have ever postponed or procrastinated activities and tasks at which you were not adept:

“Continue to do what you’re doing well but make sure you spend time on the hard stuff.
The stuff you don’t like doing because you feel you’re not good at it.

That’s the stuff you need to give some love… so you get good at it and it gives back to you what you need – what you deserve.”

When I came online I realized almost immediately that I needed to become a writer, but that was the “hard stuff” for me. Instead of backing away from this part of the business, I took it as a challenge and started writing every single day. At first it was simple two hundred fifty word articles and blog posts. Soon it became short reports and finally I wrote my first book. To date I have written fourteen books filled with more than a million words. Now I honestly feel like I deserve to call myself a writer.

And if writing is something you would like to add to your business model, be sure to check out Geoff Shaw’s Kindling training course. It’s excellent for mastering online business as a writer, marketer, and entrepreneur.

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