Tag Archives: Visibility

Writing for Visibility as an Online Entrepreneur

Writing for VisibilityWhy Writing for Visibility is So Important

Everything changed for me during the summer of 2010. That was when my first book was published and I was not prepared for what was to come. Established marketers began asking me to speak at their live events, to collaborate on joint venture projects, and to share my knowledge and experiences with their audiences. It was as though overnight I had become a different person. It was wonderful and scary all at the same time, and I was determined to learn from what was unfolding. Writing for visibility had become an integral piece of my entrepreneurial pursuits.

Soon I realized that a certain level of celebrity came along with being a published author. All of a sudden people knew my name and wanted to be associated with me. I took this all in stride and catapulted my business to the next level during that year. I also began writing my second book right away, and within another year I had three titles under my belt as my writing for visibility strategy took off.

Writing every day is a habit you want to take on. It was so difficult for me at first, but once I established the habit of writing it became second nature. Also, everything I write gets repurposed into other writing and presentations. Even a relatively short article like you are reading here will become a part of something much bigger over time. Remember that you are writing for visibility as you blog, write articles and short reports, and complete your book.

Remember that I started out as an online entrepreneur back in 2006, when there was no social media to speak of and publishing belonged to the traditional publishers. You have a distinct advantage in being able to connect more easily with people on social media and to embrace self-publishing as a means to increasing your visibility more quickly.

Choose your topics wisely, as people will tend to associate you with the subject matter you write about. I am careful to only write about the topics I have experience in and want to be known for in my online business.

The idea is that people will find your blog by searching for certain keywords on Google. They will find your book(s) by searching with the same phrases on Amazon, and they will find your podcasts by searching over at iTunes. This all adds up to millions of potential prospects and clients at any given time. I’m including podcasts in this discussion because you will always want to include your show notes so that listeners know what to expect from your call. I am not including YouTube because that is almost exclusively a visual medium.

Write every day. Write about yourself to find your voice. Write in a more determined way to build credibility. And be meaningful and purposeful as you are writing for visibility. You’ll be so glad you did this as you look back over your body of work a year from now.

I’m Connie Ragen Green, online marketing strategist, bestselling author, and international speaker on the topics of entrepreneurship and inner game mind shifts. Let’s connect to see how I may best serve you in the near future. And be sure to check out my popular training course, Really Simple Content Marketing.

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Visibility Tips and Increasing Your Credibility

Visibility TipsVisibility Tips and Increasing Your Credibility

The competition may seem fierce when you’re starting out in the world of business, so spending the time to increase and build your visibility and credibility is crucial to your success. Here are some methods, techniques, and strategies on how to do this in a way that will serve you as you work to achieve your goals as an online entrepreneur. The visibility tips will particularly serve you well.

  • Blog regularly, and by this I mean twice a week during your first year online. This allows your site to become what we refer to as an “authority site”, where people will be able to find it more easily and refer to what you share when they are searching for more information.
  • Use social media strategically – like I say regularly, you’ll want to “get in, get out, and get back to work!” when it comes to social media. I regularly see people involved in discussions on Facebook that would be some much better as blog posts and comments. Have a presence on the main social media sites (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and YouTube) but commit to spending no more than fifteen minutes on any day in total on these sites.
  • Host a podcast – I’ve hosted two podcasts for almost five years now. The results have been nothing short of miraculous and I continue to connect with even more people who resonate with my message in this way.
  • Start a YouTube channel – my channel is one I refer to as a “lifestyle” channel in that I mainly post and share videos of my travels around the world and the lifestyle I am able to enjoy because of my online business.
  • Write a book on your topic – I know this may sound like a huge undertaking, but the truth is that becoming a writer will serve you well as an online entrepreneur. My first book came about in 2010 when I repurposed fifty blog posts and then added additional content. Now I write every single day and have published fourteen books on various aspects of entrepreneurship.
  • Think about your offline connections and reach out to them regularly – Please do not be shy when it comes to building relationships for your business. We are isolated much of the time because of the very nature of how we do business on the Internet, so connecting with others is valuable for so many reasons.

When people tell me they see me “everywhere” on the Internet a huge grin comes across my face. That is exactly the goal I have in mind, so a validation that what I am doing and teaching is working pleases me to no end. These credibility and visibility tips work.

Go through the bullet points I’ve included above and make a list of the ones you will commit to implementing now and which ones you will work on over time. I promise you that this is all much easier and simpler than it may seem, and once you get started you will be amazed at how quickly your results come about. The people who rise to success most quickly have mastered the art of gaining credibility and increasing visibility on a daily business and you can learn to do that as well.

Connie Ragen Green YouTube

My YouTube channel is a joy for me to maintain. I record short videos in locations all over the world, as well as in Santa Barbara. You can see what I’m doing (and please subscribe to my channel!) at https://www.youtube.com/c/connieragengreen and watch some of my videos to get ideas for your own channel. In the image above you can see that I had recently been spending time with my family in Finland.

What other visibility tips and credibility techniques are working well for you?

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