Category Archives: Online Marketing Tips

Focus on One Thing for Extraordinary Results

Focus on One ThingHow to Focus on One Thing

There is great power in having the ability to focus on one thing for an extended period of time. I was first introduced to this concept in 2005 when I was introduced to a concept referred to as the “68 second rule”. The idea was to sit quietly and focus for seventeen seconds on one thought or idea and to hold it in your mind to the exclusion of any other thoughts. You would then work up to thirty-four seconds and finally be able to do it for sixty-eight seconds. This may sound like an easy task, but it truly takes great focus and determination to be able to do this.

I was reading a post by James Clear on The Scientific Argument for Mastering One Thing at a Time and he discusses the concept of automaticity. He states:

Here is another science-based reason to focus on one habit at a time:

When you begin practicing a new habit it requires a lot of conscious effort to remember to do it. After awhile, however, the pattern of behavior becomes easier. Eventually, your new habit becomes a normal routine and the process is more or less mindless and automatic.

Researchers have a fancy term for this process called “automaticity.” Automaticity is the ability to perform a behavior without thinking about each step, which allows the pattern to become automatic and habitual.

But here’s the thing: automaticity only occurs as the result of lots of repetition and practice. The more reps you put in, the more automatic a behavior becomes.

A decade ago I came online and realized that I needed to turn myself into a writer. I focused on that thought for the requisite sixty-eight seconds that I explained above each morning and each evening, but it wasn’t until I started writing each day that automaticity came into play. The number of days required for you to focus on one thing before it becomes a habit is different from person to person and also the activity, but I would say it took me somewhere between twenty-one and thirty days before I thought about writing each day and actually sat down to write without having to remind myself. Clear cites a study in which uninterrupted focus was required for sixty-six days to become automatic. Experiment with this and let me know what happens for you.

The bottom line is that the ability to focus on one thing will increase your productivity and affect other areas of your life as well. Be more determined with your thoughts and actions and enjoy the results of your efforts. I also highly recommend a book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan called That ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results. You’ll gain even more insight into this fascinating and important topic there.

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Role Models for Entrepreneurs

Role Models for EntrepreneursRole Models for Entrepreneurs

I do not remember having role models while I was growing up, Sure, I thought a lot of my teachers and some of the other adults I spent time with, but it wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I began to think of anyone as a role model for what I wanted to achieve.

Even then, they weren’t people I could relate to directly. The first person I truly admired was Oprah Winfrey. I was working part-time as a production assistant for a film company and one of the producers was from Chicago. She had a poster of Oprah in her office and talked about her incessantly. I was intrigued and began to watch her talk show on one of the smaller stations that was carrying it in the Los Angeles area. Even then, Oprah was someone you had to admire for how she talked and carried herself. But it wasn’t as though I felt that I could emulate what she was achieving in her life. Instead, I merely enjoyed watching and listening to her over the years as she became a personality who impacted people around the world.

Recently Adrienne Dupree wrote a post about legendary women’s basketball coach Pat Summit, who passed away at the age of sixty-four after being diagnosed a few years earlier with Alzheimer’s. In her blog post she includes Pat’s “Definite Dozen” rules to live by:

“Pat Summitt had set of rules to live by called the Definite Dozen.

  1. Respect Yourself and Others
  2. Take Full Responsibility
  3. Develop and Demonstrate Loyalty
  4. Learn to Be a Great Communicator
  5. Discipline Yourself So No One Else Has To
  6. Make Hard Work Your Passion
  7. Don’t Just Work Hard, Work Smart
  8. Put the Team Before Yourself
  9. Make Winning an Attitude
  10. Be a Competitor
  11. Change Is a Must
  12. Handle Success Like You Handle Failure

These rules are rules that do not just pertain to basketball. They pertain to life. What if we all lived by these rules and conducted our businesses with these rules in mind? What a better place the world would be. When I think about the trailblazer that Pat Summitt was and the hard work and dedication that she had, I know that I can do better.”

These days I have several role models in my life, and they are primarily people I know personally who continue to guide and influence my life and my business ventures. Do you have role models in your life? What is your thinking on this topic of role models for entrepreneurs?

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Releasing Your Writing Inspiration Into Reality

Writing InspirationHow to Find Writing Inspiration

Once I came online and began writing I decided not to look too deeply for writing inspiration. Instead, I choose to be inspired by the bigger picture of what I’m able to achieve in my life because I write every single day. With that said, there is something to being inspired to write a post or an article or even an entire book based on a single, or even a series of events and this has certainly happened to me on a regular basis over the past decade.

Earlier today I was reading a post on writing inspiration from author Jeff Goins, and this is what I’d like to share with you from his latest post and podcast:

Quotes and takeaways

  • You have to dig deeper than others to create interesting ideas that are going to move, motivate, and connect with others

  • “What is obvious to you is amazing to others.” -Derek Sivers

  • Don’t settle on your idea until you have time to explore it

  • “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” -Michelangelo

As a writer we have an obligation to our readers to come up with ideas that will motivate and inspire them to think bigger and do more. Connecting with others is a natural way for us to be inspired, both in a positive and negative way. For example, someone may react in a disapproving manner to something you have written and this may result in you rewriting it and making it better than it was before.

The quote from Derek Sivers resonates with me as an online entrepreneur because of my own experiences with friends and family. When I began blogging they thought it was the most awesome thing in the world, and this made me take a closer look at what I was learning at that time.

Allowing our ideas to percolate is a part of the process. While driving across the country recently I had time to reflect on the various aspects of my business and to map out changes in my mind that I implemented each night in front of my computer.

I think of writing inspiration as being composed of the ideas I have that are currently locked inside of the block of stone. It is up to me as the sculptor to discover and release them. What inspires you to write and create?

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How to Eliminate Procrastination

Eliminate ProcrastinationCan We Ever Truly Eliminate Procrastination?

Long ago I was a procrastinator. I would say I was going to do something and it would never happen. People began to point out to me that when I said “I’ll try” that meant I would not do it. Remember when Yoda said “Do. Or do not. There is no try” in The Empire Strikes Back? That was the message I finally got loud and clear. I started doing what I said I would do. I challenged myself to complete tasks ahead of schedule. I bit off more than I could chew on a regular basis and accomplished more than ever. My life changed in ways I could not have imagined and life became sweeter than it had ever been previously. I could not believe the difference and neither could the people closest to me.

Procrastination is resistance to change and to life’s possibilities that we may not be ready to face and work towards.

Recently I was reading Tanya Brockett’s post, reviewing a book both of us are featured in. The post is titled No More Procrastination and in it she says:

“Procrastination can impact us all in various ways. Usually, if you look at it square on, it exists because you have delayed a decision to do something about it. So there procrastination remains, breathing heavy in your face. Sometimes its impact is suffocating. Sometimes procrastination wears on your nerves or causes stress and anxiety. Sometimes it causes fear, which left unreleased can manifest in your body as illness. And why? Because we have delayed a decision to act on whatever opportunity or challenge has presented itself.”

So how do you go about eliminating procrastination from your life? One day and one action at a time. Understand that “not feeling like it” into a reason to not do something. Push through to start the tasks and activities you are resisting, and notice how they seem more doable once you get started. And once you have completed something or accomplished a goal, hold on to that feeling and know that it can be one that you experience on a very regular basis once you commit to doing what you say you will do each and every day.

This book, No More Procrastination, was compiled by Leslie Cardinal and contains chapters by seventeen Eliminate Procrastinationentrepreneurs and small business owners. I was honored to be included here and hope that you will get as much from reading about this important topic as I did from writing it. I recommend that you read the book one chapter at a time, making notes and thinking about what each author is sharing before moving on to the next one. In this way you will be able to incorporate the ideas, strategies, and techniques each of us is describing into your knowledge base and be better able to combat and eliminate procrastination before it gets a stranglehold on your daily life.

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When is the Best Time to Publish Blog Posts?

Best Time to Publish Blog PostsWhen is the Best Time to Publish Blog Posts?

When I was a brand new blogger over a decade ago, my primary concern was with what to write. Then I became concerned about what to recommend. It was only after I had been blogging for about a year that I asked the question “when is the best time to publish blog posts?”

It turns out that everyone seems to have an opinion on this topic, so I chose to listen to the people who had been blogging for the longest period of time and enjoying the best results. One of these people is Darren Rouse from ProBlogger, and his post on when you should publish your blog posts makes some excellent points.

Darren says that years back, when people subscribed to blogs through RSS feeds and used something called feed readers to go through them (raise your hand if you remember this) then it was more important to publish your post at a time when the majority of your readership was online.

He goes on to say:

“Today, I’m not sure that the timing of your blogpost being published has as much impact as the timing of your social media post and your emails. They’re probably the big effectors today, but I guess there are a few things that you might want to consider when it comes to the timing of your blog post.”

So now it’s social media that comes into play. I know that most of my readers and subscribers are on the East coast of the United States and that the majority of them are still working at jobs. So I make every effort to hold back on publishing my posts until six or seven in the morning eastern time, and then immediately promote the post using social media sites and channels.

But what about niche topics that appeal to people on a different schedule? Darren writes:

“I know a sporting blogger who finds that Monday mornings is the worst time to publish. He actually finds that Saturday mornings is a great time because it’s just before all the games that he’s writing about are about to be played. He also publishes on Sunday night, at the end of the football round. He publishes about the games that have just been played.”

And remember that people tend to have more time available on the weekends, so a well placed post on Saturday morning can do very well for you. Also, be sure to write something I refer to as a “flagship” post every month or so. This post would be more lengthy – typically five hundred words or more – and would link back to other posts on your site. This serves to position you as an expert in your field and to make sure each of your posts is indexed by the search engines and connected throughout your blog to other posts you have written. This way none of your content falls through the virtual cracks over time.

And to reiterate, I agree with Darren about the importance of promoting your post over publishing it at a specific time. He writes:

“Let me cycle back to something I said earlier and that is that the timing of your blog post being published is probably less of a factor than the timing of the promotion of that blogpost. This is where you probably do need to do some more analysis to really get things right. What’s more important than the publishing of the blogpost is the timing of your social media and the time of your emails.”

Write meaningful blog posts, share as much as you possibly can, and know that the best time to publish blog posts is completely up to you as you do your research and become more experienced as a content creator and publisher.

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Productivity and Your Brain

productivity and your brainIf you’ve noticed a connection between your productivity and your brain power, you’re not alone. Brain fog and a feeling of lethargy can spell trouble for anyone, especially entrepreneurs who need to stay sharp and focused in order to achieve their goals.

If it’s true that we are what we eat, then it only makes sense to fuel our brains for maximum productivity. For most of the years I worked as a classroom teacher I ate a sugary, processed cereal with milk for breakfast and had something sweet during my recess break around ten in the morning. I usually included a banana and with my limited knowledge of nutrition I honestly believed that I was eating a balanced and healthy diet, at least until lunch time rolled around. No wonder I was exhausted by noon and irritable, too.

Recently I have begun working with a nutrition coach, Cheryl Major CNWC and she has taught me so much about this topic of productivity and your brain function. In a recent post entitled Eat for Productivity – You’ll Be Surprised at the Difference it Makes she wrote:

“Our brains need glucose to stay alert and to function well.  That’s why it’s hard to concentrate when we’re hungry; our glucose levels are low, and our brains are “running on empty”.

Nearly everything we eat during the day is converted into glucose by our bodies.  The tricky part is that not all foods are processed at the same rate.  Foods like breads, pasta and sugary foods are processed quickly which gives us a “glycemic bump” only to let us down shortly after that which is why you get a burst of energy after eating something that your body processes quickly and then feel tired shortly after.  Other foods that are high in fat, like hamburgers and pizza, are processed more slowly, but our digestive systems have to work harder to process them.  When this happens, oxygen levels in the brain are temporarily lowered which also makes us feel sluggish.”

Cheryl suggested lots of fresh veggies and some nuts for me to snack on during the day, and to start my day with some protein. I only eat a banana about twice a week these days and have included Greek yogurt and some other protein rich foods into my morning routine. The result is that I have more energy, feel less bloated, and definitely sleep better than I did just a few months ago. I’m also more alert throughout the day and feel like I make better decisions more quickly. This is part of your “inner game” that you can control and optimize through proper dietary habits.

She also says:

“To be an entrepreneur requires discipline and a plan.  That plan should include how to eat right to keep you brain healthy and your mind sharp!”

As an online marketing strategist and mentor I help my students with the discipline required to be successful online. Cheryl helps us with the plan for productivity and your brain to make sure it all comes together.


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How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Overcome Writer's BlockHow to Overcome Writer’s Block

For years I have said there is no such thing as writer’s block, but today I’m going on the record as admitting that this is an issue for many people. Just because I have been fortunate enough to sit down and write over a million words since 2006 does not mean this is a simple task for anyone else.

Also, I write non-fiction almost exclusively, so the overwhelming majority of what I will share with you here will relate to this genre and style of writing on topics related to business and personal development.

So, if you find yourself blocked when you wish to write, what steps can you take to overcome your writer’s block? In a recently updated post by Henneke Duistermaat, entitled Writer’s Block: 27 Ways to Crush it Forever she shares some great tips:

“Talk to an Imaginary Friend

Whether you’ve 10 readers or 10,000, thinking about them makes writing a post daunting.
So, forget about your readers. Instead, create an imaginary friend.
Your friend is a real fan. He (or she) loves everything you write. He supports everything you do.
Give your imaginary friend a name. Create a little drawing or find a picture of a lookalike. Pin this picture on the wall above your desk.
Instead of writing a blog post, start a conversation with your friend. Or write him a letter. Discuss his dreams and challenges. Help him with whatever he is struggling with.
Be a good friend.”

This reminds me of a strategy I used as a child when making up stories in my back yard. My imaginary friend was named Tippy, and he was an elf. If only I had written down some of what we discussed over the years!

These days I do use this when writing email messages to the people on my list. I imagine that one of them is right beside me and asking for help in starting and growing an online business. Then I share my very best methods and techniques and recommend a product or a service that has been helpful to me.

Another tip shared by Henneke is this one:

“Be a Misfit

Being a blogger isn’t about conforming to the norms.
Don’t feel the pressure to be like your hero bloggers. You have to stand out on the web. You have to be YOU.
Accept you’re a misfit. Just like me. Just like Jon. Just like all other bloggers.
Be yourself. Enjoy yourself. Because your enthusiasm is contagious.”

This one really resonated with me because I had to find my voice when I came online and it was only when I decided to stop caring about what anyone else thought of me or of my writing that I truly took off as an entrepreneur. Like I stated in another post on technology and the economy:

People who value their uniqueness often find themselves in a position of great power and responsibility, while those striving to conform to society’s standards must be content with the status quo. Become a specialist in a world of mediocre generalists and the world will be your oyster.

The final tip I will share on the topic of how to overcome writer’s block is:

“Reread Your First Ever Blog Post

If you’ve been blogging for six months or more, you’ve written a lot. And you’ve learnt a lot.
Go back to your first few blog posts.
Find one you can rewrite. Add new insights, new arguments, and new examples.
Voila. You got a new post.”

I was not a writer when I first came online. Instead, I was someone who had always wanted to write but talked about it way more than ever taking pen to paper or fingers to a keyboard. Then I began blogging and found that I could write posts and publish my thoughts and ideas easily. Most of these early writings were incomplete and vague. Knowing that I can always go back to them anytime I feel the urge to update my posts with new insights and examples is a great feeling. If you are brave and have some time on your hands I invite to read my early posts and see why they are the perfect material to be rewritten.

What are your thoughts on how to overcome writer’s block?

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Technology and the Economy

Technology and the EconomyIf you Google the name Seth you will find that Seth Godin’s blog and some of his other sites are returned as six of the results on page one. That’s huge, and if you don’t believe me then Google your own first name and see what Google returns for you. I usually read his posts regularly and once in awhile one of them resonates with me in a way that makes it difficult to get the concepts and ideas he shares out of my head. Seth’s recent post entitled The computer, the network, and the economy did just that, and I’d like to give you my take on it if you will be kind enough to indulge me in a thinking out loud exercise about technology and the economy.

When I began teaching in 1986 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak of Apple Computers had just begun a program of placing an Apple IIe into every fifth grade classroom in the state of California. I’d started using a personal computer several years earlier and quickly learned how to use this new operating system. The next year I wrote a grant that was chosen and received three additional Apple computers. As far as I know, mine was the very first classroom to have four computers in 1987 and I was able to incorporate this new technology into my daily curriculum. Over the next twenty years I advocated for technology to be included in classroom instruction on a daily basis, and considered this to be vocational training for my lower socioeconomic status students from around the world. Technology and the economy dictated how their future would be different from that of their parents, and how opportunities would only be available if they could be on a level playing field with their more affluent counterparts from a young age.

Now at this same time technology and all of its perceived benefits were taking hold across the United States. ATM machines had replaced almost fifty percent of bank tellers and many activities, such as banking and income tax reporting, were far more prevalent then ever before. It was obvious that many jobs would continue to be replaced by machine and systems not even imagined twenty to thirty years previous, even though many people still objected to this reality. Seth Godin states…

“The good jobs I’m talking about are the ones that our parents were used to. Steady, consistent factory work. The sort of middle class job you could build a life around. Jobs where you do what you’re told, an honest day’s work, and get rewarded for it.

Those jobs. Where did they go?

The computer ate them.”

Yes, the computer keeps eating the jobs that you and I grew up assuming would still be around when our grandchildren entered the work force, and we have to face the fact that they are gone forever.

We can’t long for the future without erasing at least some of the past, and this is a prime example of that concept.

Seth goes on to explain the three-part shift brought about by technology…

“First, if you (the owner of the means of production, the boss, the industrialist) can find a supplier who can make a part for less, you will, and you did.

Second, once you can parcel work among your employees, you can measure them ever more closely and figure out how to maximize what you get (and minimize what you pay).

Third, computers make patient, consistent, cheap workers. When you can train a CNC machine or a spreadsheet to do a job better than a person can, odds are you will.”

 He goes on to explain how the public school system plays a part in this scenario and how we must be willing to shift gears and think differently if we are to thrive in this new world.The solution, as I see it is to make yourself indispensable, a theory expounded upon by Godin in a number of his writings. People who value their uniqueness often find themselves in a position of great power and responsibility, while those striving to conform to society’s standards must be content with the status quo. Become a specialist in a world of mediocre generalists and the world will be your oyster.

If you’re familiar with the opening scene from a film called Lonely Are the Brave, when Kirk Douglas looks up in the sky to see a jet streak across the sky as he is perched upon his horse in the California desert, then you understand the magnitude of this situation. The only question is “Are you willing to leave some of the past behind to embrace the future?”

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Get Organized: Your Success Depends on It!

eliminate clutterMy very first mentor was Raymond Aaron, a man for whom I have the highest respect and am still in touch with to this day. The year was 2005 and he instructed all of his mentees to “clean up our messes!” Whether these were piles of papers all over the floor or desk or relationships gone awry, Raymond advocated spending time on a weekly basis to eliminate the messes that conflicted with your ability to achieve your personal and business goals.

Recently I was reading a post by Cynthia Charleen entitled Clutter or Organizing – Which is Your Challenge? and it brought back memories of the work I had done with Raymond all those years ago. Here is an excerpt from that post:

“Is your problem clutter or organizing? Clutter is having too much. Whether it is physical items or the untouchables such as too much to do, they are both clutter. Organizing refers to having these items where they fit best. Stuff needs a place to call home and needs to be there to be organized.

Do you have more things than you need to live a normal life with reasonable comfort? I work with clients on a regular basis whose main issue comes from having too much stuff. Consider clearing out the excess and sharing with people who don’t have enough.”

Clutter is no longer a problem for me. I live in two cities and travel extensively as well, so I’ve become accustomed to tossing anything I won’t use again and do not need. If something does still have value I donate it t one of the charities I work with. Organization can still be a challenge as I change the way I file and continue moving towards a totally “paper free” business.

Cynthia states that “you will discover productivity and focus increase when you work and live in an organized space that is free from excess and clutter.” I agree completely with this statement and will take it one step further…

Eliminate clutter in your home and office environment, get organized to the point that others call you a “neat freak” and enjoy renewed creativity and higher level thoughts that will catapult you to success. This is all related to your “inner game” and how you approach every situation in your life. Yes, that’s how important this topic is and I’d love to hear about your own experiences in the comments below.

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