Category Archives: Online Marketing Tips

Podcast: Karyn Greenstreet On Mastermind Groups

karyn greenstreet 150x150 Podcast: Karyn Greenstreet On Mastermind GroupsWhen you mention the name Karyn Greenstreet, mastermind groups are what come to mind, but she is quite a savvy business woman in every aspect of what she knows. Her site is Passion For Business, and she says that being self-employed is the best lifestyle she knows, but that most people are more in love with what they do than in the day to day details of running their business. She has owned a variety of businesses since college, including a portrait studio and online businesses. Karyn stresses the idea of building a business as an asset so that it may be sold or passed on to family members in the future.

I had first heard of Karyn around the topic of Masterminds, and she explains how she started with this years ago. This began at the corporate level when she and others started a group based on author Stephen Covey’s ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People‘. She credits her great success with this process of masterminding with others over the years, and now helps others to put together and facilitate their own mastermind groups.

Karyn and I discuss what makes a mastermind group work, how to find the right one for you, and how to sustain it as a meaningful part of your business on an ongoing basis. We also explore what works best – exclusively online or in person groups. During this podcast she even does a brainstorming session with me to help guide me towards a group that would best suit my current needs. You will enjoy listening to this process as you dig more deeply into how this will fit into your growth as an entrepreneur.

Another service she offers is one where she helps you find others to start your own mastermind group, as well as being able to join an established group or become a group facilitator. They are not only for business’ Karyn has put together masterminds for people from all walks of life, including scouting, the leaders of a city’s fire department, and a variety of non-profit organizations. Sometimes the group members become JV (joint venture) partners, even though this is not the focus of the group originally. She explains how the group becomes a powerful one in your life because their intention is to help you achieve success.

She is also a business coach and SEO (search engine optimization) expert, so you will want to connect further to see how she may be able to help you move forward with your business. Be sure to visit Karyn Greenstreet at her site, check out her blog, and pick up your free eBook on the biggest marketing mistakes.

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Getting Started Online: Creating Multiple Streams Of Income

woman thumbs up 200x300 Getting Started Online: Creating Multiple Streams Of IncomeAre you creating ‘multiple streams of online income‘ for yourself and your family? When I think about how I have set up and built my online business over the past few years I realize that I’ve created eight separate profit funnels that bring me multiple streams of income on a regular basis. This was not my intention in the beginning, but as I continued to learn and implement what was available to me as an online entrepreneur these were the eight areas I resonated with and added to my funnel one at a time. Each funnel brings me a profit stream that has helped me to be successful on the Internet with a lucrative business I can run from home, or from wherever I happen to be.

These Multiple Streams Of Income include:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Local business marketing
  • My own products and courses
  • Services I offer to others
  • Membership sites
  • Niche sites
  • Amazon
  • Coaching

Affiliate marketing was the very first way I was able to earn money online. Because I had no product of my own and was just starting to blog and write articles, it made sense for me to recommend the products and courses I was benefiting from to others who were also getting started online. I earned my first affiliate commission in April of 2006 and have never looked back.

Then, because I was learning how to market on the Internet and honing my skills, I began helping a friend to market his insurance business and a family member get started as a handyman. This was my first attempt at local business marketing and since that time I have even created a course where others can learn how to do this as well. Small businesses everywhere need our help so they can stay in business and thrive in any economy.

By the end of my first year online I had created my first product and added this to my profit funnel. This first product was a four part course on how to use blogging and article marketing to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability. It sold for ninety-seven dollars and taught me that having my own line of products would increase my affiliate income while also adding another stream of income to what I was putting in place.

Helping others get set up online led me to my next area of income production. Soon I was offering my services to others, such as installing plugins and setting up WordPress blog. Even though this involved trading time for money, I saw it as an opportunity to start outsourcing some of the tasks to others.

In 2008 I added membership sites to the mix. I learned that I could add information and training each month to a membership site and that many people would be willing to pay by the month to receive this information. I continue to use the membership site model in my business.

Niche sites soon followed, and I still enjoy the process of choosing a hobby or interest of mine and setting up a site that will earn income for years to come. There are so many possibilities for this. I even have family members who earn online income based on their interests in model trains, skateboarding, fashion accessories, and relationships.

In 2010 I wrote and published my first book, Huge Profits With A Tiny List: 50 Ways To Use Relationship Marketing To Increase Your Bottom Line. This book is available on Amazon and Barnes & Nobel in both paperback and Kindle formats. This led to my writing several more books as I saw the profit potential and personal satisfaction of creating an income stream with Amazon.

I also run a coaching program. I refer to this as mentoring, rather than coaching, for a few reasons. A mentor takes a few people under their wing and helps to guide them towards success. I only work with twelve people each year and love the way I can be a part of the progress someone makes over time.

Which of these profit funnels are you already using? I recommend making a study of what is possible as an online entrepreneur and then jumping in to get started.

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Guest Blogging Tips

Why Should You Start Guest Blogging Anyway? 

blog4 300x199 Guest Blogging TipsYou may be familiar with guest blogging but find yourself wondering if it’s beneficial and something you should be doing in your business. I first learned about it from my colleague Nicole Dean when she introduced us to her course on  Guest Blogging Secrets. Let’s take a look at 7 important reasons you should be guest blogging.

  1. Build relationships with other business experts in your niche – It’s a win/win situation when business owners help each other. Guest blogging now can turn into joint ventures in the future. One thing to keep in mind when it comes to guest blogging is that you want to make sure you have something to offer that is appealing in exchange, so it doesn’t seem one-sided by those you are reaching out to connect with online.
  2. Increase your website traffic and get your name out there – Guest blogging is a way to increase your traffic. But more importantly, it’s going to be very targeted traffic!  Meaning, because you’ll be blogging on sites within your niche, these audiences are already looking for you.  Now that you’ve gained their attention and they know where to find you on the web, they can start spreading the word.
  3. Grow your reputation as an expert – By guest blogging and sharing your knowledge on your topic, people will be able to see that you know what you’re talking about and start seeing you as an expert.  Make sure you’re giving them quality information they haven’t heard before.
  4. Build back links to your website – Building back links to your site is a great way to show Google your site is popular, important and relevant. Find out what the blog owner will allow you, in way of links, in your post.  Normally, they’ll let you add 2-3 links between the content and author bio. Be sure to use keywords in the text you choose to use as a link to your site.
  5. Build your brand and reputation – The audience that follows the site you’ll be guest blogging on has grown to know, like and trust the blog owner. Now it’s up to you to garner some of that trust. Share quality content that the audience will be interested in and wants to read.
  6. Build your mailing list – Because you’ll be gaining a highly targeted audience in your niche market, it’s going to be important to get them on your list.  Make sure to entice new visitors with an opt-in offer they can’t refuse so they’ll sign up immediately for your list.
  7. Gain more guest blogging opportunities – If you follow the rules of the host site, provide relevant, high quality information and bring your “A” game, more than likely you’ll gain more guest blogging opportunities from those that follow the sites you guest post at.

These reasons for guest blogging that we just went over are also some of the benefits for your online business.  Once you learn more about guest blogging and do more of it, you’re going to position yourself and your brand as an expert, the ‘go to’ person, and this will more than likely get you recognized and sought after by other experts in your niche. It will also get you into the habit of writing, a skill that will serve you well as an online entrepreneur. Be sure to take a look at Guest Blogging Secrets to see how you may add this marketing strategy to your business.

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Podcast: Jim Edwards on eBooks and Information Publishing

Jim Edwards 125x150 Podcast: Jim Edwards on eBooks and Information PublishingOn this week’s podcast I spoke with my friend Jim Edwards. Ebooks have been a part of his life since the late 90, and the first book he ever published was one on real estate. This was years before the term ‘eBook’ had ever been coined. He handed it out personally to prospective clients in order to get more listings. There weren’t any PDFs at that time, so he was giving away an unprotected word document back then. Soon he was online and had domain names when they were over a hundred dollars each and hosting was about a hundred twenty-five dollars a month. This really takes us back.

He started writing and creating his own eBooks, and in 2001 realized that this way the way to build a profitable and sustainable online business. People began asking him how to write, research, and publish their information using the eBook format, leading to his beginnings as a teacher of this profitable income stream.

Jim has one of the largest information publishing businesses in the world, where he publishes eBooks, Kindle books, webinars, and other trainings, as well as having a lucrative niche site business. He believes that only the people doing something should be teaching it, and I agree completely with this philosophy. In 2001 he created (along with Joe Vitale) the first training I ever purchased on how to write, publish, and market an eBook, and he recently updated this course to include detailed information on how to sell on Kindle and Amazon. This is now considered to be the premiere training on the topic of eBook writing and publishing, and it’s priced right for new online entrepreneurs. The screen shots make this an illustrated guide that will increase your results dramatically.

I’ve spoken on Jim’s cruise for several years now, and this continues to be an excellent way to learn while surrounded by friends and family. This is where Jim first had the idea for the training we did together on ‘How To Become A Super Affiliate‘.

His Net Reporter monthly training program is hands down the best value and quality for learning how to build a successful online business. I’ve been a part of this program for about two years and would not give it up for anything in the world. Jim’s message is to take action and get moving on what you are learning so that you can achieve your goals and dreams. Please let me know if you’d like more information on how to get involved.


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Information Products Creation: How To Add More Value To Your Existing Products

woman global money 213x300 Information Products Creation: How To Add More Value To Your Existing ProductsWe all want the maximum value for anything we purchase as consumers. This just makes good sense. The same goes for us as entrepreneurs when it comes to selling our information products to others. In your online business one of your main goals must be to build relationships with your prospects and clients by giving them more value when they purchase from you than when they purchase from anyone else. This can be done very easily with just some small adjustments to what you are already doing every day, and will result in boosting your reputation and credibility as well. Instead of creating additional products, add more value to what you are currently selling.

You can add more value to a product you have already created by remembering that everyone comes from a different place. By this I mean that everyone has a different level of experience and skills, and has a unique way of learning and absorbing information. Whereas one person may be brand new to your list and your niche, someone else may have been on your list for years and have already purchased from you in the past. Either way, provide the maximum value to turn each person into a raving fan.

One way to add value is to offer email coaching to your buyers for thirty days after they make a purchase from you. I was amazed at how popular this was when I first began offering it. Then, someone who is a legend online offered a package that included email contact personally from him and I jumped at the chance to be involved. Offering email coaching shows people you care, while also building a relationship that will set you apart from almost everyone else doing business on the Internet. This works in most any niche, whether it is personal relationships, dog training, health and fitness, or building an online business.

Another way to add more value is to prepare checklists that your customers can print out and refer to quickly and easily. We all have way too much information on our hard drives, so everyone appreciates a checklist of the relevant and salient points of the topic you are teaching. Be sure to include your contact information in the footer of each page so that it will be easy to reach you in the future if your checklist should end up in someone else’s hands.

Also, we must meet the needs of those with various learning styles, which include visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. You will add value to your product while helping people with alternative learning styles and preferences by transcribing your product, creating audio recording, and making videos. I know that I do not do as well with videos as I do with written content, and that my very favorite way to learn is by reading along while listening to the audio recording. Some of my students are very busy and tell me they prefer being able to listen to the audios while they are running, walking, or traveling.

Case Studies add another dimension to your products that is added value. This gives you the opportunity to show specific examples of what is working for you and for your previous students. This also allows you to go step by step through the process of what you teach, showing how others were able to achieve success by implementing what they learned from you.

Follow up webinars or other trainings have worked well for me. Sometimes it is a one-time webinar training immediately after they purchase the product; others times I turn it into a monthly training that can be added to or turned into a membership site. The interaction is fantastic for relationship building.

My friend Marlon Sanders teaches a concept called ‘dollars for dimes’. In it he states that if you offer your customers something that is worth ten times as much as you charge they will be much more willing to get started with your product. This will open the door to a lifelong relationship.

Delivering, or perhaps I should say ‘over delivering’, will always be an excellent way to grow your business. To learn more about earning more online revenue with your online business, check out my friend and colleague Nicole Dean’s training on making money with your information products.




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Podcast: Michele PW on Freelance Copywriting and Marketing Strategies

Michele PW 142x150 Podcast: Michele PW on Freelance Copywriting and Marketing StrategiesMichele PW (Pariza Wacek) is a direct response copywriter and marketing strategist who has written sales copy for some of the biggest names in the industry. She started writing professionally in 1992, and in 1998 she started her freelance copywriting business. I love learning from Michele on a variety of topics from improving my writing to structuring my business. She’s also a dog lover, so it’s a perfect fit!

On this call we discussed how she got started working as a freelance writer, and then decided in 2003 to build a business based on her expertise and knowledge and finding new clients online. This took her from what she described as a ‘feast or famine’ existence of working either eighty hours a week or not at all to having a business that could grow over time and give her more options and opportunities. She recommends that all solopreneurs take a look at what they are doing to see what’s right for them. It was also at that time that Michele began attending live events and hired a coach to help her move forward in a big way.

I know you will enjoy this call, and be sure to sign up for a special complimentary package she calls her ‘$Ka-ching!$ Copywriting and Marketing Business Kit’. She also offers website critiques and a variety of products and services geared at helping you to grow your online business in a way that makes sense for you and your goals.

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Attending Live Marketing Events – How To Avoid Damaging Your Reputation And Credibility

 Attending Live Marketing Events   How To Avoid Damaging Your Reputation And CredibilityI have been attending live marketing events for years, and have now been to lots of them. When I say ‘lots’ I mean that I have been an attendee or a speaker at more than fifty live marketing conferences and seminars since 2008. During this time I have learned so much, including how to behave and carry yourself when you are at a business conference.

You must remember, first and foremost, that you are there to build your business. Even though there will be many opportunities to socialize over the course of the event, your goals must remain to be the focus of what you are there for and wish to achieve. It’s not your cousin’s wedding or your neighbor’s barbeque; these events are meant to help you further your knowledge and to reach new heights in your overall business plan in a much shorter time frame than you could do on your own.

With that said, here are three things that I observe regularly when I am at conferences and seminars across the United States:

Drinking Too Much – This is the number one way to ruin your reputation in a business setting. Even if you would normally have a drink when out with friends, keep it to a minimum while you’re at a conference. I have business associates who like to drink wine in the evenings, so I always graciously accept one glass and then sip it slowly all evening. This makes me ‘one of the group’ without having to compromise my beliefs or defend actions later on.

Sloppy Personal Appearance – We all judge a book by its cover, even if we think we keep an open mind in this area. T-shirts with witty phrases and controversial pictures give people a negative opinion of you right away. I visit several cities regularly, such as Austin, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia, and have shirts I purchase at the airport or the hotel gift shop with the name of the city on them. I typically wear these on the night I arrive to show my support for natives of that city. Also, clothing that gives you the ‘disheveled’ look is simply not acceptable. If your pants are made of a material that looks like you’ve slept in them after a few hours, leave them at home and choose another pair for the conference!

Sharing Sensitive Personal Values And Beliefs  – A business conference is definitely not the place to share personal stories in regards to race, religion, politics, sexual orientation, or previous employment, even if there is a point to your story. I have seen people embarrass themselves by sharing personal information with a group that would have been best left for a private conversation. If you even suspect that it might be ‘too much information‘, keep it to yourself unless you are only sharing it with one other person who may need to have access to these intimate details. Also, be careful not to be overheard talking about others or about anything that could be potentially hurtful to another person. My voice tends to carry, so I try to save anything sensitive in nature for a time when I am not in a public area, and to steer clear of gossip altogether.

When I brought these three points up to one of my students his response was to cite examples of what others were doing. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. You must take full responsibility for your choices and actions. Remember when your mother said something like, “If everyone else jumped off the building, would you line up to be next?” She was right.

Instead, use these events as an opportunity to present yourself in a professional and positive way. Choose clothing that fits you well, is made of materials that breathe, and that stays looking good even after sitting for long periods of time. Drink in extreme moderation, or not at all. Only share stories that will build your reputation and show you off in a positive light later on when repeated to others. Yes, everything you drink, wear, or say is likely to be repeated to others, so make sure it will help you to achieve your goals instead of stopping you in your tracks. Make the most of attending live marketing events and it will be reflected in your credibility and your bottom line.


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Podcast: Janis Pettit on Business Building

janis pettit 150x150 Podcast: Janis Pettit on Business BuildingJanis Pettit is an entrepreneur and business coach who started out as a stage and television actress in New York. She made the decision to leave that world and start a corporate training company that launched her into what she does today. A few years later she opened a restaurant which she took to seven figures a year while also receiving critical acclaim for the food and ambiance. These experiences led to her having her own cable television show. Eventually she left New York and moved south to Raleigh, North Carolina. This was where she finally became a business coach, helping people from around the world to create a lifestyle that suits them by using their experiences to create a business and attract the ideal clients for what they have to offer.

Part of what Janis does is to help people live their passion, and we talk about this in great detail during the podcast. Without passion, your business will just become another job! Being honest and authentic in your life and your business is the first step to rewarding relationships and success.

Janis describes herself as a serial entrepreneur, and her experiences are crucial to how she approaches her coaching clients and business. She is the kind of coach I wish I had met when I was first online. It would have fast-tracked my business building in a great way. She reminded me that even though we have achieved great success, many people do not believe they can do the same thing. Her programs teach people how to dig deep to find the talents they can turn into a business.

We also speak about the power of speaking to build a business. There are so many ways to do this, and we discuss coaching, teleseminars, webinars, personal conversations, and speaking in person for organizations and at live events. Learn more from Janis in her Big Results in 90 Days program.

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Build Your Online Business Quickly With Content Creation

Creating content online is the fastest way to building a profitable business if you are just getting started on the Internet. I have been quite prolific since coming online in 2006, but the truth is that I have worked a plan all this time that I will share here with you. Once I realized that my income was in direct proportion to how much content I could create I knew that I had to make content creation my focus each and every day.

The main issue for me was that I was not a writer at that time. It took dedication and hard work to turn myself into a writer, and you can do the same thing by following my example. Write every day until it becomes a part of who you are. This took about thirty days for me, and occurred during one of my article writing challenges.

Your content, in the form of blog posts, articles, videos, audio recordings, short reports, eBooks, books for Kindle and Nook, and paperback books can be shared with your target audience around the world. This will help you to build the kind of relationships that take your business to the next level very quickly.

Here are some ideas to help you produce high quality content quickly and achieve far better results in your business consistently.

Carry a notebook with you every place you go. I always have one next to my bed, by my computer, in my purse, along the side of the seat in my car, and even in my kitchen! By making notes every day I always have a starting point for my writing. I generate ideas when I talk to friends and family members, read through magazines, read through my emails, and watch television. I write down two or three sentences so I know exactly what I was thinking at the time when I look back at my notebook days later. When I sit down to write, I already have a collection of ideas ready to go in my content creation endeavors.

Don’t edit as you write; instead, just let the writing flow. Whether I am writing in one of my notebooks or typing with two fingers (yes, that’s correct) on the keyboard, I just keep moving and go back to reread and edit later on. When I was a classroom teacher I taught my students that writing is rewriting. That was a mistake. Instead, I should have taught them that writing is getting into the flow and allowing your thoughts to take shape on the paper or the screen. Ideas are everywhere, so be ready to tell stories about what you have encountered. My work with various charities and my pets are a ready source of stories for my business.

Readers are writers. Even though you may feel as though you do not have time to read while you are getting your business off the ground, take the time to read on a variety of topics. This will enhance your life and expand your knowledge base in a way that will manifest in your writing. I always have a paperback with me, as well as books on my iPad and Kindle.

Your prospects and clients will want to know as much about you as possible, so share stories that you are comfortable with sharing. I love to tell people about the charities I help, the places I travel to, and about what it was like when I was a classroom teacher and worked in real estate. I try to make a point with each story that makes it more interesting or even a learning experience. The key here is to always relate the stories and principles back to your original message.

You can also write a series of blog posts or articles on a particular topic. This was how I wrote my first book; I started writing a series of fifty ways to use relationship marketing to increase my income. After a few months I had enough content for a one hundred and seventy page book!

Get your momentum going by writing nonstop for an hour to ninety minutes each day. My best time is first thing in the morning. Find your ‘prime time’ and start writing. Once you’re flowing, don’t stop. Keep going. As soon as the first article or blog post is done, start the next one. And keep it up until the inspiration is gone. Getting the momentum going is the hard part. You’ll get much more accomplished if you just hold on when it’s already moving for you.

My writing tends to be about four to five hundred words in length. This is the typical article or blog post so this fits my requirements very nicely. When I write something much longer, such as this post, for example, I know right away that I am going to repurpose it into many different formats. Shorter writing is fine; there’s nothing wrong with 150 words if you can get your message across in that time frame. People have a very short attention span today.

When people ask me questions I most always write them down in my notebook. This give me the impetus to write a longer answer that can be included in the content I will create that day or the next. If one person has the question, others will also. You can then publish the question (or at least the relevant portion) and the answer in your article.

I repurpose everything. Publish your content on the social media sites, in short reports, on YouTube, in podcasts (be sure to subscribe to mine in iTunes), and anywhere else you can think of for best results with this marketing strategy.


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