Tag Archives: Ragen

Connie Ragen Green – My Theme for 2017

Theme 2017Do you have a theme for yourself and your business for 2017? The first person I knew who chose a word for each year was Mari Smith. We met in 2009 while we were both speaking at a marketing event and I was taken by her choice of the word Influence for that year. Here are her word themes over the years:

2008 – Focus
2009 – Influence
2010 – Team!
2011 – Commitment
2012 – Growth
2013 – Abundance
2014 – Selective
2015 – Partnership
2016 – Order
2017 – TBA on January 1st, 2017

Mari says

When selecting your one-word theme, it’s important to not beat yourself up if you didn’t adhere to the word verbatim throughout the year. Adopt the approach of “correct and continue.” Do your best to use the word as a mantra, an internal guide. Then let go of any attachment to how the outside world is supposed to show up for you.”

And in another post Mari adds…

Every January 1st, I love to pick just one word as an overarching theme for my professional and personal life that governs a lot of my goals and decisions throughout the year. I’ve done this practice for the past nine years and it’s always amazing how the word serves me so well throughout the entire year.

The word can be used as a daily mantra, or a simple touchstone to remind you to stay on track. Even if you pick a word, then “set and forget,” you may be amazed by the end of the year just how much your word was a thread throughout so many of your experiences and accomplishments!”

Never one to be satisfied with what is already out there, I decided to choose several words or a phrase each year as my theme. I started midyear in 2009 with a theme of “Connect, Communicate, & Create” and loved the alliteration so much it has continued.

For 2016 it was “Rethink, Reinvent, Renew, & Relevance” and for 2017 I have chosen “Exposure, Expansion,  Expectation, & Engagement”. I will explain both of these years so that you may further understand my thinking and intentions behind these themes.

At the end of 2015 I realized that I needed a makeover for my online business. Many of my courses and products were outdated and I was reading my own books for guidance on how to move forward. In one of my books I had discussed the importance of looking at yourself as objectively as possible and being willing to make changes. So in December of that year I worked harder than I had since coming online to outline my courses for 2016. The result was a flagship training program called the Internet Marketing Six Pack, as well as ten online courses in my “Really Simple” series. This was a great success and worth the time and effort that went into implementing all of my plans. It also upped my work ethic, and that will be the topic of my upcoming book.

Now it’s time for me to share my body of work with even more people from more diverse business backgrounds. I hope you will follow me throughout 2017 to observe and emulate what I’ll be doing to expose my work to the world, expand my business into all corners of the earth, expect more from myself and from those I work closely with, and engage with you and the rest of my community in a way that will enrich all of our lives.

I’m Connie Ragen Green, online marketing strategist, bestselling author, and international speaker on the topics of entrepreneurship and inner game mind shifts. Let’s connect to see how I may best serve you in the near future.

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Podcast: Connie Ragen Green on Managing Your Time

Doing What It TakesManaging Your Time for Online Entrepreneurs

This most recent podcast is a discussion of managing your time as an online entrepreneur. Here are some of the points I explain in great detail:

So, how do you effectively manage your time as an entrepreneur?

  1. Maintain a dynamic to-do list on a mini legal pad next to your work space.
  2. Decide which items are best delegated to others, which you should take action on, and which can be eliminated altogether.
  3. Discover when your “prime time” hours are and schedule your work accordingly.
  4. Always ask yourself: ‘Is what I am doing right now moving me closer to my goals or further away?’
  5. Protect your time, as it is your most valuable resource.

Think about each of these points, listen to the podcast, and then comment below. I would love to hear your thoughts on these ideas and concepts in regards to how managing your time will enable you to be a more efficient and effective entrepreneur.

Are you ready to be surprised? Recently, I have introduced a new feature during these podcast training calls. I will always have the latest course or program, either one of my own or one offered by someone I highly recommend, at my Surprise! link. Check it out today and see what I am recommending this week. If it’s not my own program, product, course, or live event then it’s always from someone I know, trust, and highly recommend as a great value to you as an online entrepreneur.

I also have a bestselling book on this topic. It’s entitled Time Management Strategies for Entrepreneurs: How to Manage Your Time to Increase Your Bottom Line and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it by way Managing Your Timeof a review on Amazon.

Are you already a part my list community and receiving my daily email updates and training? If not, please give me your first name and primary email address in the form on the right-hand side of this site. If you are brand new to my podcasts, you will be interested to know that this specific training call, as well as all of the calls in my podcast series is intended to teach you and other new online entrepreneurs how to take your business to the next level quickly and effectively, and as a way for me to share my exact methods, techniques, Case Studies, secrets, and advice on creating a profitable and lucrative online business using the ‘multiple income streams’ approach. People on six continents have now discovered that starting an Internet business is the very fastest way to achieve both time and financial freedom, as well as to great success in all areas of your life, and you need help to get there quickly. That’s why I started this online marketing tips podcast for my community.

You will see that each podcast session is first recorded live as a teleseminar, and then repurposed into a podcast to extend my reach to the world. Please join my list (opt in on the right) to be included on these calls, and be sure to introduce yourself and share your site for optimal exposure for years to come! Also, check out my Podcast Show Notes site to see how you can subscribe at no cost to both of my podcasts, and please leave me a review on one or both of them if you are so inclined.

If you would like to get started earning income online right away then I recommend affiliate marketing as the stream of income that will allow you to “earn while you learn” You may now pick up my popular training on winning affiliate contests and other online marketing tips for only seven dollars at Affiliate Contest Secrets. This training regularly sells for $27. Use the discount code CONTEST to bring the price down to $7. This training has been completely updated for 2016 with the latest information, strategies, and Case Studies for you to use in your own business.

Please be sure to leave your comments below so that I may get to know you better and to serve you as you continue your journey as an online entrepreneur. Getting started with an online business will change your life forever and my reward is your massive success!

Subscribe To My Online Marketing Tips Podcast Today!


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Mentoring with Connie Ragen Green in the Online Marketing Incubator

Connie Ragen Green Incubator

Hands Holding Mentor

Connie Ragen Green Incubator Mentoring

The Connie Ragen Green Incubator program is personalized mentoring with me. I prefer to use the word mentor rather than coaching because mentoring involves a relationship wherein the mentor guides the mentee and promotes them and their business. I have been described as a stage mother, or as a mother hen guiding her chicks to success in the big world of internet marketing. I consider this to be the most sincere form of flattery, as my people do achieve their goals after working with me and following my recommendations as to the steps and actions they must take in order to grow their businesses.

The word incubator comes from an idea used around the world to describe a group of like-minded individuals who come together regularly, typically in person, to explore ideas and establish strategies for business growth. My Incubator is primarily virtual, even though we do meet face to face at my live events twice a year in Los Angeles and at my Retreats in Santa Barbara throughout the year.

What Exactly Does Mentoring Involve?

First, let’s talk about what mentoring is. Essentially, a mentor helps a client/mentee with a specific problem within their expertise to clarify the issue, identify any blocks, and helps the mentee move forward toward reaching their goals by choosing a sequence of actions, helping them create a strategy and holding them accountable. They’ll help lead the mentee to success.

As you can see by the definition, there are a lot of problems with mentoring as a career in terms of finding a way to earn more money, since mentoring can be so time-consuming. It takes a lot of time, not only one-on-one with the client, but also time outside of working with the client to find the right solutions for the client.

The issues that you may have as a mentor are:

  • Time Intensive – Spending one-one-one time with clients is time intensive. It can also be draining. Most mentors find working one-on-one with too many clients difficult, if not impossible. They find that four to six clients a month is more than enough to keep them super busy and occupied but not enough to earn the kind of money they want. Instead, as a mentor I pick and choose the clients I wish to work with so that the relationships are mutually beneficial and joyous for everyone involved in my Incubator Mentoring Program. I am also able to work with more people as I implement strategies that work.
  • Trading Hours for Dollars – You have to charge enough per hour to make it worth it. You’re not going to be able to book 40 hours a week for billable clients so you have to charge quite a lot to make a living. It can be difficult to find the right clients who will spend that type of money on a regular basis. Having the proper attitude about this will make all of the difference in your results and your income.
  • Finding Enough Clients – Most mentoring courses teach you to find about ten clients a month. At $500 a month per client you’ll be earning $5000 a month working. Even if you only provide two 1-hour session a month per client, then add in the time you work that’s not billable, you’ll easily be working twenty to thirty hours a month just talking to clients. Add to this the time you have to spend marketing and finding those clients. The rest of your time, in my opinion and based on my experience, must be spent with actually doing the things you are mentoring on, such as affiliate marketing, product creation, teaching online courses, and authorship.
  • Choosing a Viable Niche for Specialization – Picking a niche is an important part of being an effective mentor. You want to present a perspective client that you are focusing on a particular area of their life or business to help them, such as parenting or social media marketing. Picking the right niche is imperative if you want to be successful. My niche is online marketing and content creation, as these are the areas where I continue to excel.
  • Getting Your Mentees to Follow Through – It can be really frustrating to know what’s best for your clients but have them not follow through. These types of clients will often also drop out of your mentoring program, which means you have to find yet another one to fill the spot. I like to think of myself as a mentor who both inspires and motivates my mentees, and then shows them specific ways to grow the business they are imagining.
  • Not Having One Main Focus – This is like choosing a niche, but even stronger. You need one main thing that you’re an expert in to differentiate you from the rest of the mentors out there. You can’t be everything to everyone. This can be both empowering and limiting when it comes to being a mentor. I focus on affiliate marketing, information product creation, and authorship as a way to differentiate myself, based on what I have the most experience in and actually do within my own online business.
  • Not Having Other Products and Services – Many mentors think all they need is to talk to people on the phone once or twice a month to be successful. But, if you don’t have other products and services that relate to your mentoring practice, it will be hard to fill your client roster. I have more than forty information products and online training courses, as well as more than a dozen bestselling books in my inventory.

If you can break through these issues, you can create a thriving mentoring business that involves a lot more than one-on-one mentoring, help more people and earn a lot more income in the process. Being a mentor and running my Online Marketing Incubator are the most satisfying and rewarding parts of my business.

If you would like to know more about the Connie Ragen Green Incubator Mentoring Program, please take a look at what I offer and then contact me if you have more questions. I would love to have you in the group!

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