Monthly Archives: September 2014

Podcasting Tips

podcasting tipsToday I have some excellent podcasting tips for you. I have hosted two highly visible and successful podcasts since 2011. In fact, my marketing tips podcast was recently named as one of the Top 100 Small Business Podcasts of 2014. Podcasting will help you to position yourself as an expert in your niche. If you’re not familiar with the term “Podcasting,” it is defined as the use of audio or video to broadcast a message. Though experts disagree on where the term came from (some say it came from a combination of the Apple iPod and the term “broadcast,” while others say it comes from “Public on Demand” + “Cast”), the medium is growing exponentially as a tool businesses use to communicate with customers and potential customers.

Think of it as an audio blog or an audio e-newsletter. Like both of those tools, podcasts are an excellent and cost effective way to reach your target market in a personal and informative way. In addition, your podcasts can be distributed through RSS format, which is a subscription service that announces and delivers the podcast to your subscribers like a blog or a newsletter.

One of the reasons for the popularity of podcasts is that users, your customers and your target market, are able to easily access the information and listen to it on their computer, mobile device, mp3 player or just about anywhere.

Podcasting Tips: How you Benefit from Podcasting:

  1. Podcasts increase your marketing reach and online visibility. You will expand your target market because different people prefer different mediums. Some customers like to read company information, others prefer videos or live communication and still others like to download your information and listen to it when they have time. Many podcast users listen to downloaded podcasts on their way to work or while they’re working out.
  2. Podcasts may improve your sales and conversion rates. Podcasts are yet another way to reach your customers, and the one-on-one communication provides the kind of personal touch that customers crave. People are more likely to buy from someone that they feel they have communicated with directly, and podcasts enable you to do just that.
  3. Podcasts provide a consistent line of communication with subscribed listeners. It has been proven that regular communication with your customers improves both your overall relationship with them and their buying frequency. A regularly distributed podcast can strengthen your relationship with your buyers and help to build a community with your customers.
  4. Podcasts provide beneficial and value added content, which increases customer loyalty. Podcasts can offer a different kind of content to what you can provide with a blog or an e-newsletter. This kind of content can be extremely beneficial to your customers.
  5. Podcasts allow you to distribute industry news and trends, which sets you apart from your competition and establishes you as a respected leader in your niche or industry. One of the best ways to get repeat purchases and loyal customers is to become the “expert” in your industry. Once your business is established as the place to go for quality information, services or products, your profits will grow.
  6. Podcasting, or adding audio or video to your website and email messages, enables customers and prospects to access information in a more personal way. You can add video or audio testimonials, quick “how to” segments, and even a special promotional message. Adding audio or video is a unique way to add a personal touch to your website.
  7. A podcast or an audio file can be used as a giveaway to build your opt-in list. Consider recording either an interview with an industry expert or a seminar or workshop, and then offering the audio file as a free download. In return, you get their email address for future mailings.

By now you can see that podcasting makes an excellent addition to your marketing mix, and that it is an effective way to reach your target market. Do you have other questions or concerns I have not addressed in this post? If so, leave a comment and I will answer you personally.

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Publishing on Kindle – 5 Reasons This Makes Sense

Publishing on Kindle

publishing on kindle 300x255 Publishing on Kindle   5 Reasons This Makes SenseBecoming a Kindle author will help you in much greater ways than just by the income you will earn. I currently have more than a dozen titles of my own published on Kindle, and these have helped me grow my business exponentially over the past several years. Being a published author has always carried with it perks that some were locked out of. But now with Kindle Direct Publishing, you too can take part in what most authors have always known publishing can do for them.

Here are some reasons you’ll want to add publishing on Kindle to your online business marketing mix:

  1. Become an Authority in Your Niche – Having enough material for a Kindle Book or a series of Kindle books makes you into an instant authority figure within your niche. Creating a well put together, well researched and designed Kindle book will raise your authority status faster than most other means.
  2. Establish Deeper Relationships – A book can be a more cohesive way to tell your story, to get the word out about something you’re passionate about that is more than a sound bite. A Kindle book can be as long as it needs to be to explain to your reader about who you are, what you do, why you do it and what’s in it for them.
  3. Get Known outside Your Current Circle – Due to the way Amazon promotes books, you can find some of your audience via Kindle who have never heard of you otherwise. It’s yet another way to promote your products and services that should not be passed up. Just like you wouldn’t pass up being on any social media that exists where your audience goes, you should not pass up being on Kindle where your audience is looking for eBooks and information about your niche.
  4. Get Recognition and Awards – Some people don’t realize that if you publish a Kindle book and make great sales, and enter some contests you can also win publishing awards just like people do with the big publishers. This type of recognition can get you more response than you might think.
  5. Build a Strong Community – Being a published author can help you build your community larger than before and turn the community you have into raving fans. By cross promoting your online real estate, like your blog to your book readers, you will introduce them to your work in a new way. By telling your blog visitors about your eBooks, you’ll get new respect.

You’ll be able to reach more people than you ever thought possible via your Kindle Books. If you use the Kindle Select program your book can be loaned and you’ll still earn money, so that makes it even more likely that you’re going to be discovered. Many speakers, coaches and service providers use their books to prove expertise that they otherwise would not have been able to establish with traditional publishing. Take a look at some of the books I have been publishing on Kindle and in paperback here.


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Announcement: Huge Profits Tiny List with Connie Ragen Green

Subscribe To Connie’s Podcast Series

Making huge profits with a small list is possible! My name is Connie Ragen Green, and I’ve been making a full time living online since 2006. I have successfully built a five figure a month income with a very small list. In fact, I was earning six figures a year long before I had one thousand people on my list, and I can teach you how I did this by following some simple marketing strategies based on affiliate marketing, product creation, and joint ventures. I am now a list relationship coach, helping others to build a relationship with the people on their lists in order to increase their online income.

The mission of this site is to teach you how to monetize your list, no matter how small it is. I will share what has worked for me, and welcome your comments and suggestions for what other information you would like for me to share with you.

Even though it is important to be continually growing your list, you certainly do not need a huge list in order to make an excellent living with your online business. Thanks for being here, and be sure to sign up on the right to receive an email notification when I write a new post twice each week. Feel free to leave a comment on any post that resonates with you, and share your own experiences about making big money with a tiny list. I have completed my first book, Huge Profits With A Tiny List: 50 Ways To Use Relationship Marketing To Increase Your Bottom Line, and it is now available. Click on the picture of the book on the right to get your copy today, or visit directly to see what else I have available.

My latest books are now available. The titles include Huge Profits With Affiliate Marketing: How To Build An Online Empire By Recommending What You Love and The Inner Game of Internet Marketing, co-written with author Geoff Hoff. Click on the link on the right, or visit my author page on Amazon or Barnes & Noble to order your copy today.

Finally, The Weekend Marketer, is available! I spent almost a year creating this book and online course based on the principles and CRGreen Cover 03 SM 187x300 Huge Profits Tiny List with Connie Ragen Greenstrategies I used to make the jump from working as a classroom teacher and real estate appraiser to coming online full time in 2006. You can do the same thing, and I’m here to assist you. No matter where you are right now, the Weekend Marketer™ book and program will help you to achieve the success you want and deserve.

It is my hope that you will join me on your journey of turning your ideas, interests, and passions into a lucrative online business. The first Weekend Marketer Live Workshop was in October in Las Vegas, and was so well received that I’ll be hosting the next one there the weekend of October 11-13, 2014. I hope you will be able to join us then.

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Announcement: How To Get Started Online To Build Your Online Empire

Subscribe To My New Podcast: Online Marketing Tips With Connie Ragen Green

Connie Ragen Green Get Started OnlineMy name is Connie Ragen Green and I teach people just like you how to build a profitable online business and use the basic technology needed to get started in this fun and lucrative field. The first year (2006) was difficult for me online, and I ended up spending about 10K and making almost no money. I vowed that my students would not have to struggle like I did.

I have now been making my full-time income online since 2006, and earn a comfortable income, primarily from my own programs and courses, information products, and affiliate marketing. I teach new online entrepreneurs how to write short reports, eBooks, and books for Kindle, as well as how to set up your own blog, set up mini-sites, use Twitter and Facebook, create your own information products, and write your own web sales copy, which is copywriting for the Internet.

My motto is: “If I can do it, YOU can do it!”

I took one of my students, Helen Raptoplous, to 10K a month as part of the 10K Laser Coaching program, did it again in 2012 with student Geoff Hoff, and am now working with student Adrienne Dupree during 2013/2014, as well as Mike Darling. This will help you to do the same thing in your online business, so please join us.

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Podcast: Google Hangouts on Air with Zane Miller

zane miller 300x225 Podcast: Google Hangouts on Air with Zane MillerGoogle Hangouts on Air expert Zane Miller describes a Google Hangout as having your own television show and studio right in the comfort of your own home. In my recent interview for the podcast series Zane and I discussed the many way to monetize your Hangouts and why everyone should give them a try.

Personally, I was intimidated by the technology of Hangouts when they were first offered by Google. Then I joined a few other people’s Hangouts and learned a few things that were helpful. Learning from Zane makes it all much easier.

Zane takes us on a virtual tour of how to get started, why Hangouts are so important, how to incorporate them into our online business, and when to monetize your Google Hangouts for maximum results. Check out Zane’s training on using Google Hangouts more effectively here.

I’m sure you will enjoy this podcast immensely, as we teach and explain the ins and out of this new technology. You may listen through the webcast right here on this site or…

Subscribe to all of my calls in my Online Marketing Tips Podcast Series.

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Online Marketing Tips Podcast: Podcasting Tips for Beginners

Podcasting Tips for Beginners: Online Marketing Tips Podcast

 Getting Started Online Marketing Tips Connie Ragen GreenPodcasting Tips for Beginners is the topic of my most recent online marketing tips podcast. I have been podcasting regularly since December of 2011, and currently have two different and popular podcasts available on iTunes that are helping me to grow my business. Recently this podcast was named as one of the Top 100 Small Business Podcasts, and you can read all about it in that post.

I’ll be explaining how you can do this as well by following my model. Also, my own training will be released on this in the very near future (my Podcast Show Notes page for further details). People on six continents have now discovered that starting an Internet business is the fastest way to achieve both time and financial freedom, as well as to great success in all areas of your life, and you need help to get there quickly. That’s why I started this online marketing tips podcast for my community.

Starting your own podcast can be an excellent way to increase your visibility and credibility as an online entrepreneur. In this episode of the Online Marketing Tips Podcast With Connie Ragen Green, my newest marketing training podcast series, I discuss in great detail how I got started, why I decided to start a second podcast, and why I release each podcast using a post on one of my blogs. Knowing where you are right now with your niche and where you want to go is crucial to the process of becoming the online entrepreneur you are meant to be.

I take questions from those who attended the live recording, including why having your own podcast is so important, my 10K Laser Coaching program, how to get the technical side of things up and running, attending live and virtual events, and my own upcoming event, The Weekend Marketer: Affiliate Marketing for Everyone, in Las Vegas October 10-12. Also, when I am asked how to start earning right away I share the details of what I did that very first year that made a huge difference in the level of my success.

This online marketing tips podcast, as well as all of the calls in my podcast series is intended to teach you and other new online entrepreneurs how to take your business to the next level quickly and effectively, and as a way for me to share my exact Case Studies, secrets, and advice on creating a profitable and lucrative online business using the ‘multiple income streams’ approach. You will see that each session is first recorded live as a teleseminar, and then repurposed into a podcast to extend my reach to the world. Please join my list (opt in on the right) to be included on these calls, and be sure to introduce yourself and share your site for optimal exposure for years to come!

Also, you can now pick up my popular training on winning affiliate contests and other online marketing tips for only seven dollars at Affiliate Contest Secrets. Use the discount code CONTEST to bring the price down to $7. This training has been completely updated for with the latest information, strategies, and Case Studies for you to use in your own business.

Subscribe To My Online Marketing Tips Podcast Today!

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