Publishing on Kindle – 5 Reasons This Makes Sense

Publishing on Kindle

publishing on kindle 300x255 Publishing on Kindle   5 Reasons This Makes SenseBecoming a Kindle author will help you in much greater ways than just by the income you will earn. I currently have more than a dozen titles of my own published on Kindle, and these have helped me grow my business exponentially over the past several years. Being a published author has always carried with it perks that some were locked out of. But now with Kindle Direct Publishing, you too can take part in what most authors have always known publishing can do for them.

Here are some reasons you’ll want to add publishing on Kindle to your online business marketing mix:

  1. Become an Authority in Your Niche – Having enough material for a Kindle Book or a series of Kindle books makes you into an instant authority figure within your niche. Creating a well put together, well researched and designed Kindle book will raise your authority status faster than most other means.
  2. Establish Deeper Relationships – A book can be a more cohesive way to tell your story, to get the word out about something you’re passionate about that is more than a sound bite. A Kindle book can be as long as it needs to be to explain to your reader about who you are, what you do, why you do it and what’s in it for them.
  3. Get Known outside Your Current Circle – Due to the way Amazon promotes books, you can find some of your audience via Kindle who have never heard of you otherwise. It’s yet another way to promote your products and services that should not be passed up. Just like you wouldn’t pass up being on any social media that exists where your audience goes, you should not pass up being on Kindle where your audience is looking for eBooks and information about your niche.
  4. Get Recognition and Awards – Some people don’t realize that if you publish a Kindle book and make great sales, and enter some contests you can also win publishing awards just like people do with the big publishers. This type of recognition can get you more response than you might think.
  5. Build a Strong Community – Being a published author can help you build your community larger than before and turn the community you have into raving fans. By cross promoting your online real estate, like your blog to your book readers, you will introduce them to your work in a new way. By telling your blog visitors about your eBooks, you’ll get new respect.

You’ll be able to reach more people than you ever thought possible via your Kindle Books. If you use the Kindle Select program your book can be loaned and you’ll still earn money, so that makes it even more likely that you’re going to be discovered. Many speakers, coaches and service providers use their books to prove expertise that they otherwise would not have been able to establish with traditional publishing. Take a look at some of the books I have been publishing on Kindle and in paperback here.


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