30 Day Business Challenge

30-Day-Business-Challenge30 Day Business Challenge

Earlier today I was reading a post from Geoff Hoff, my friend, co-author on two my books, and technology whisperer. Geoff has been ill recently and is now in the process of rebuilding his business from the ground up. He is challenging his readers to blog every day for the next thirty days, but I am challenging you to do more; I want you to think of this as a 30 Day Business Challenge where you will take action every day over the next month to move your business forward productively.

I will be joining you on this Challenge. My business may be at a very different level than yours is at the current time, but we must all make great effort on a very regular business if we are to succeed with our goals and dreams.

Geoff wrote…’For some time, I’ve known just below the surface that I was very dissatisfied with how things were going, with what I’d created and accomplished.’

Does this ring true with your online business? I felt this way during my first year online, and soon realized it was because I was not working and creating at my full potential. In fact, I was doing very mediocre work and my income reflected that. Once I committed to stepping up and playing full out everything changed.

Over the next few weeks I will be speaking at one event and hosting my own three day marketing workshop. I also have many family and personal commitments. But I promise to report back as to what I am doing each day as a part of this 30 Day Business Challenge. It may start with writing blog posts, but please be open to changing what you do on a daily basis to achieve the results you are worthy of achieving.

What will you be working on this month?

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