Live Streaming: Marketing Strategy

Live Stream Marketing StrategyIntegrating a Live Streaming Marketing Strategy

Marketing tactics, channels, and efforts tend to be more powerful and effective when they are integrated. For example, you might share a blog post on your Facebook account. This is integrated marketing. You’re using Facebook to help promote your blog.

Chances are you might also have social media buttons on your blog, thus you’re using your blog to help build your social media audience. Everything is connected and works toward a common goal. That’s the power of integration.

As you begin to leverage live streaming, you’ll have better and faster results if you leverage your existing marketing tactics and channels. So let’s take a look at how to do that.

If You Don’t Have a Live Streaming Marketing Strategy and Plan, Create One

It’s quite difficult to create any type of consistency if you don’t have an existing strategy to work with. Your marketing strategy answers the following questions:

  • Who are you marketing to?
  • What are your marketing goals? (Hint, they should support your business plan and business goals)
  • How is your competition marketing?
  • What marketing channels will you use?
  • What are your goals for each specific channel?

Your marketing plan takes it a step further. Each marketing channel that you’re going to use will have specific goals and a plan of implementation. For example, your goal for your Facebook page might be to drive traffic to your opt-in offer. You might decide to post an original post every other day on Facebook and to interact with your followers and share on a daily basis.

Identify Opportunities

Taking a look at your existing marketing channels, identify opportunities to promote your live streaming and vice versa. For example, if you’re on twitter then that’s an easy one. Twitter is linked with both Meerkat and Periscope.

Automatic notifications are sent to followers. You can thus promote twitter in your live feeds and promote your live streaming show on Twitter. Both before, during, and after the show you can share tweets about the broadcast.

Measure and Track

Part of any good marketing strategy and integration is the ability to both track and measure results. That means setting goals that support your marketing goals and then implementing systems to evaluate your success. For example, if you want to use live streaming to drive traffic to your opt-in page, then consider creating a unique URL/landing page for that audience. Track how many visits you get to that site and how many sign-ups.

This information gives you the ability to evaluate your tactics and make changes to adapt to your audience. Live streaming can be incredibly powerful to build your business. However, it will generate better results if you make it part of your overall marketing strategy and integrate it with your other marketing tactics.

What is your live streaming marketing strategy?

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