Building Your Business By Becoming A Writer

ebook2 Building Your Business By Becoming A Writer Are you struggling with all of the writing that’s required when you have an online business? Don’t despair. You can become a writer if you stick with it and write something every day.

For more than thirty years, from the time I was in junior high school until I decided to become an entrepreneur, I had wanted to become a writer. The problem was that I did very little writing, and when I did write I refused to edit or rewrite any of it later on to improve the writing. While I was working as a classroom teacher I told my students they had to write every single day if they expected their writing to improve. It turns out that advice was valid.

When I came online at the end of 2005 I saw that I would have to start writing if I wanted to build a successful business. I started writing each day and even challenged myself to write 100 articles in 100 days. However, I did not do this…

It only took me 78 days!

At some point, around day thirty most likely, I had turned into a writer. I now MUST write each and every day or else I feel like I’ve forgotten to do something, like turn my oven off or let the dog out. My writing has improved greatly, and it is a pleasure to see how much I can create. As Dorothea Brande discusses in her beautifully written book, Becoming A Writer, one must not be an ‘occasional writer’ if you wish to be successful.

How Can Becoming A Writer Impact Your Life And Your Online Business?

Writing is the most universal form of communication. We are able to shape our thoughts and ideas into words and reach people around the world when we write. Whether it is a blog post, an article, a short report, an eBook, or a printed book, the written word has the power to move mountains.

My recommendation is that you start by writing about topics you are interested in. We all write much better when we are excited about the information we are sharing. Become more disciplined by writing every day for about thirty minutes. Figure out when you are most alert and ready to be productive. I call this your ‘Prime Time’, and it will be different for everyone. My best hours for writing are from about seven until ten in the morning, so I make an effort to do some writing every morning during those hours.

Great, prolific writers are not always born this way. Make the time to write, stay focused on your topic, and do this every single day until you have got yourself into the habit of writing. You will be amazed at where this will take you.




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